
Sheepskin Benefits for Babies

Sheepskin offers unique advantages for babies.

The fibers are held in place by a treated leather backing that is both fluid- and urine-resistant, in the case of High Temp sheepskin. This gives sheepskin characteristics such as durability and water resistance, making sheepskin suitable for both indoor and outdoor use as a protective layer.

Another advantage of a sheepskin for babies is that it draws moisture away from your baby's skin, then trapping between 30 and 36 percent of the sheepskin's own weight in moisture, thanks to the high-density, wool fibers.

Medical Benefits of Sheepskin

Studies indicate there are tremendous medical benefits to using genuine sheepskin. It helps patients by limiting the amount of friction and pressure, which causes ulcers and sores. Can help patients with Fibromalaysia. Sheepskin Slippers are designed for individuals diagnosed with any of the following disorders Lymphoedema, Ulcerated Toes & Feet, Vascular Disorders, Diabetes, Arterial Disease, Arthritis, Bunions, Swollen Feet & Ankles, Leg & Foot Ulcers, Hammer Toe.